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Long Term Gold Price Prediction- Kevin Wadsworth

Long Term Gold Price Prediction- Kevin Wadsworth

What do the weather and the markets have in common? Quite a bit says this week’s guest! Kevin Wadsworth is a meteorologist-turned-chart analyst who has a lot of interesting insight and predictions into market movements and the price of gold.  Kevin joins GoldCore TV host Dave Russell to discuss how he applies his 35 years […]
Gold  traders on trial: Only buy physical

Gold traders on trial: Only buy physical

Followers of the gold and silver price will have long been aware of the cases brought against large banks for manipulating the precious metals markets. This week has brought the issue to the fore as three former JP Morgan employees stand trial for “racketeering conspiracy as well as conspiring to commit price manipulation, wire fraud, […]
Episode 2 of The M3 report with Marc Faber

Episode 2 of The M3 report with Marc Faber

Inflation! Trading Places! Marc Faber! Chart Watch! That’s right, it’s episode two of The M3 Report.  It is finally here, what a great way to set you up for the week ahead. Subscribe here if you’re not already receiving alerts.  Click Here to Watch It Now Our maiden episode was a huge success, and we have […]
Gold cheers when the Fed tries to fight the inevitable

Gold cheers when the Fed tries to fight the inevitable

Yesterday the Fed released the minutes from the FOMC’s July meeting. There were few surprises, but two things really stood out; members are anxious about inflation and they’re anxious about a recession. As you will read below, this is good news for the gold price and anyone who has already decided to invest in gold. […]
Is the Game Over for The Fed?

Is the Game Over for The Fed?

Unsurprisingly the Fed raised rates yesterday. The price of gold and the silver price rallied, suggesting more people are realising there is little the Fed can do to influence the economy at this stage and so it might be better to take control of their portfolios and invest in gold bullion and buy silver. After […]
How Long Will Inflation Last 2022 – Charles Nenner

How Long Will Inflation Last 2022 – Charles Nenner

What if we told you that you could predict the future? For today’s guest, this is certainly the case when it comes to future market events. He hasn’t got a crystal ball, instead, he has nearly 300 years of historical analysis and models that have led him to the conclusion that markets operate in clear, […]
Hold Gold As It All Boils Down to Counterparty Risk

Hold Gold As It All Boils Down to Counterparty Risk

When investors choose to buy gold bullion or invest in silver bars they are doing so because they wish to reduce their portfolio risk. One of those risks is counterparty risk. If you own shares, then you are exposed to the risk of company management making poor decisions, if you invest in property you are […]
Season 2 of The Goldnomics Podcast – Now Live!

Season 2 of The Goldnomics Podcast – Now Live!

You can also listen to The Goldnomics Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts Episode 1: Rick Rule on central bank actions and the catastrophic implications for financial markets In the first episode of the new series of The Goldnomics Podcast, GoldCore’s Dave Russell speaks to Rick Rule of Rule Investment Media, formerly of Sprott […]
Gold To New All-time-high When Fed QT Fails

Gold To New All-time-high When Fed QT Fails

If you’re looking for an erudite yet concise explanation as to why markets are yet to show much concern regarding the current state of global affairs then may we suggest you tune into this week’s interview. Host Dave Russell interviews Don Durrett, founder of, his explanation for why sentiment is the biggest driver of […]
It Turns Out They Really Thought They had a Crystal Ball

It Turns Out They Really Thought They had a Crystal Ball

“Many of us smile at old-fashioned fortune-tellers. But when the soothsayers work with computer algorithms rather than tarot cards, we take their predictions seriously and are prepared to pay for them.” Gerd Gigerenzer. We were reminded of the quote above, in the latest In Gold We Trust Report. An annual offering from Ronald Stoerferle and […]